When thinking of getting a new piercing, one of the most daunting aspects can be the aftercare. Some piercings can take as long as 12 months to fully heal and can continue to flare up every now and then for 18 months. Proper aftercare is crucial when getting piercings and, when done right, can make heling a breeze.

Q: What should I use to clean my fresh piercing?

A: We recommend using a sterile, pure saline wound wash for cleaning your piercings. Contact solution is often mistaken for an appropriate form of saline, but it contains many extras that could do more harm than good to your fresh piercing, so we recommend sticking to a sterile saline spray.

Q: Can I mix my own saline solution?

A: While you could mix up your own saline solution using natural rock salt and hot water, we wouldn’t recommend it  over a pre made spray, as there are many possible variables involved that could end in your mixture being unsuitable. For example, if you mix up some solution in an eggcup and do not wash it thoroughly after every use, bacteria can begin to grow on the surface which can then be transferred to your piercing. It is also hard to ensure that you always use the right amount of salt, as too much or too little could have adverse effects. A saline spray made for cleaning piercings is preferred as it removes the variables and can make the cleaning process a lot cleaner, faster and easier.

Q: Should I twist my piercings?

A: Twisting piercings should always be avoided, as it can cause many problems for your fresh and healed piercings. For example, one touch with dirty hands could lead to bacteria entering the wound, causing the piercing to become irritated and painful. Infections are rare, but almost always come about from touching the area with unclean hands. Twisting the piercing also means you are delaying the healing process, as every time your body makes progress in healing, you re-open the wounds, meaning it must start the healing process again. Twisting piercings enough can severely delay, and even halt, the healing process.

Q: I’m doing everything right, but my piercing feels sore- what’s happening?

A: Even if you’re doing everything right, it’s natural for piercings to become upset every now and then. Things like illness, hormones and even stress can affect your piercings! Piercings are a part of us, and as such will react to things that are affecting us, so don’t worry if every now and then you find your piercings become a little agitated!

Q: what should I do when my piercing feels sore?

A: Ibuprofen or arnica are the first things we recommend when a piercing flares up, as it can quickly help calm things down and make the area feel a lot more comfortable for you. Gentle saline soaks and products like BPA oil or Emu Oil are the second step in calming down a piercing, as they rinse out the area and ensure a clean environment door your piercing, as well as contain ingredients that can sooth and lessen irritation. It is always worth taking time to consider why your piercing may be upset- Have you been feeling under the weather recently? Have you been especially stressed? Do you touch or play with your piercings? Although it helps to have an idea it isn’t necessary, as long as you take extra care to look after your piercing from then on!

Piercings are a commitment, each with their own healing duration,–but with the right care and patience, healing can become an easy and even enjoyable process!